
“There are two sides to self-discovery as in most things — an outer, more popular side and an inner side.  Today I would like to tell you about the more esoteric aspects of reincarnation.  The esoteric teaching of reincarnation is that it’s happening all the time.  At every moment we’re going through a change.  Our…

“It seems to me that it’s essential to know about love.  Love comes in many forms, and to not love is to not live.  Many people talk about meditation and self-discovery and bringing themselves to higher levels of consciousness, yet they seem, for all their knowledge and ability, for all the various terminologies that they…

As a woman, do you feel like you have been playing a role based on what society thinks women should be?  As a man, do you feel you are limited by the world’s description of masculinity?  If so, this fascinating talk on male and female energy will open new doorways for you. According to Rama…

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Caretaker Personality

The Caretaker Personality is a way of dealing with the world.  As you meditate, you come to realize that you don’t have one personality, you have many different selves inside you. You can choose which one to use in any situation, like choosing clothing that’s appropriate to an occasion.  Two in particular — The Child…

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Yoga of Love

“The path that is followed by most persons in the beginning of their spiritual search is the path of love. Love is the easiest and most effective way to begin our search for self-realization, for ourselves.  Love is the highest of all qualities that we can experience…” “Naturally there are different forms of love, different…