Meditation Summer 2016

(by Nili S.) Meditation Summer will begin its second year on Governors Island with an impressive program of events and speakers. This year’s summer festival will include twelve remarkable speakers, forty-eight meditation sessions, an exhibit on Meditation & the Brain, and an open meditation room for participants. Meditation Summer brings together teachers, students, technologists, artists, spiritual seekers, and everyday people who share an interest in mindful practice. The event takes place between May 27 and July 17, 2016, and you are encouraged to register.
Five of featured talks are by friends of RMS:
May 28 – Mindfulness for Artists
May 29 – The Power to Choose Non-Violence
June 11 – Mindfulness for Kids and Families
July 9 – How did Meditation Get so Popular
July 16 – Meditation and the Divine Feminine
There are other terrific speakers on a host of other topics as well.
Situated in the extraordinary setting of Governors Island, Meditation Summer offers an easy-going, casual atmosphere that is open to the public, free-of-charge. Participants do not need any special interest in meditation to learn about or experience this unique summer festival. A broad range of meditation approaches and techniques are included in the program.