RMS Events & Expenses

(by RMS) We hold Rama Meditation Society (RMS) live events – Rama birthday celebrations, etc. – as a way to bring our sangha together on special occasions. From time to time, we receive inquiries regarding how much the events’ cost and how much is raised by these events to support RMS activities.
In summary, most of our events are break-even, though sometimes we are able to make a small amount above our expenses in support of our overhead (i.e., insurance, accounting, etc.) and mission. Further, the only way we are able to break-even is due to the generosity of our silver and gold sponsors (see details below). Finally, these events would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers. A recent example:
Birthday Party – February 2016 – Tiburon, CA – net $250
Expenses $6,700 as follows:
- $4,700 Food, Beverage, Service Charges/Tips, Space Heaters, etc.
- $1,400 Entertainment
- $600 Decorations, Flowers, etc.
Payments $6,950 from 44 registrants as follows:
- 22 paid base fee ($125)
- 13 paid over base amount – silver & gold sponsors ($130 – $500)
- 6 paid student or first time fees ($50 – $75)
- 3 paid $0 (2 musicians; 1 hardship)
Thanks to our attendees, sponsors, volunteers and friends who make our events possible. If you have any questions about our events and related finances, please email us at info@ramameditationsociety.org Thank you!!!