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Yoga of Discrimination

“There are four major paths to self-realization.  Of the four, jnana yoga, from the point of view of the beginner, is the most difficult.  Jnana yoga is the graduate school of self-discovery.  Ordinarily in spiritual practice, one begins by practicing bhakti, the path of love.  The path of love leads to the path of self-giving….

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“I like miracles.  They inspire me.  Miracles cause you to believe, to have faith in the unseen, to look further into things.  So miracles have a purpose.  Miracles help people believe in enlightenment.  Some people don’t need miracles, they just believe.  But for many people, miracles are important, and some enlightened teachers do miracles to…

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“This world, this earth, the people upon it, the ages that have passed, the stars, the moon — the experiences that each one of us has — our loves, friendships, hopes, dreams, ambitions, frustrations — from the moment of our birth to the moment of our death — that which we call the experience  —…

Prepare for one of Rama’s most inspiring and fun talks.  Rama defines spiritual experiences and declares, “the most common type of spiritual experience is the one that you’re having at the moment.  We call it life.”  Rama believes that every moment in our lives is spiritual.   This talk invites the listener to join Rama…

Sensual experiences are so intense that we tend to forget there is something beyond them.  The reason that we’re occupied with the senses is that we have focused our attention upon them.  Rama offers two ways to overcome the suffering created by the dream of the senses.  One is to alter the dream by refocusing…