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Peak Experiences

There is a science to making one’s life into a field of power. A prerequisite is for a person to have a peculiar power. Peak experiences are moments outside of time. Find out how we can groom our life so it becomes a field of power filled with peak experiences! Peak Experiences is talk 23…

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What the teacher does is teach the spiritual aspirant to compact their life, strengthen it, get all the junk out of it, and learn to be happy, free, and strong. Gradually the metaphysical teacher guides the student to step into other dimensional realities to stand and gaze with awe and wonder at the universe. Metaphysics…

“So my recommendation is — if you seek to practice kundalini yoga — to meditate, of course, and you can meditate on the different chakras and feel what that’s like. But what will really release the kundalini is something much simpler and more effective, in addition to meditation techniques, breathing techniques, and so on. And…

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PD 5 – Places of Power

Places of Power (PD5) What makes a place of power a place of power? No one really knows, it just is. Yet places of power attract powerful beings who live there, visit there, meditate there, gaze, jump into other worlds from that spot, and that increases the velocity of the place of power. Download all…

“What do I have to say about advanced meditation?   It’s a feeling.  It’s beyond the body and beyond the mind.  I would classify beginning meditation — beginning, intermediate, whatever you’d like to call it — as meditation with thought.  As long as there is thought in the mind while you’re sitting, practicing zazen, then…