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Peak Experiences

There is a science to making one’s life into a field of power. A prerequisite is for a person to have a peculiar power. Peak experiences are moments outside of time. Find out how we can groom our life so it becomes a field of power filled with peak experiences! Peak Experiences is talk 23…

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Snowboarding to Nirvana

New edition April 2020! The novel Snowboarding to Nirvana continues the epic adventures of a young snowboarder and an enlightened Himalayan teacher, Master Fwap. The book presents numerous techniques for focusing and meditation. Discounts are available for teachers; contact hello@livingflow.com

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Surfing the Himalayas

A SPIRITUAL ADVENTURE Charged with energy, humor and insight, Surfing the Himalayas is the fast-paced story of a young American snowboarder who travels to the Himalayas seeking the ultimate high.  While there he surfs into an experience more transcendent than he could have ever imagined. In an accident of karmic fate, the young man plows into Master Fwap,…