Tantric Zen
“In Tantric Zen the thought is — “It doesn’t matter, but it does.” It doesn’t really matter what you do — it is your state of mind that matters … Everything is dependent upon your state of mind. If you’re in a very tantric state of mind, then your experiences will be quite different…”
“There are all kinds of wonderful stories, of course, about practitioners of tantra who seemingly break all the rules and yet are enlightened. But they don’t try to break the rules. In other words, the thought isn’t: ‘Well good, let’s find out everything we’re not supposed to do and go do it!’ Or the thought isn’t: ‘Oh boy, I can just enjoy absolutely everything and become enlightened!’ Neither of these are real case scenarios. Let us just say that life draws us in different directions, sometimes simultaneously — and when you follow the direction that life draws you in, if you stay in a very powerful state of mind, then you’ll see eternity.” Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz
Tantric Zen is talk 10 of 18 in the Zen Tapes series.