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Intermediate Meditation

“Meditation is concentration in the beginning. It’s a focus. Then, in the intermediate stage, it’s an opening, a deepening of one’s awareness but with a focus towards the planes of light.  In intermediate meditation, you’re touching light more deeply than in introductory meditation. In advanced meditation, you become light. You transcend self, ego, time, space,…

“So my recommendation is — if you seek to practice kundalini yoga — to meditate, of course, and you can meditate on the different chakras and feel what that’s like. But what will really release the kundalini is something much simpler and more effective, in addition to meditation techniques, breathing techniques, and so on. And…

Explore the mystery schools of the occult with Rama and learn about the mystical power within you.  “The occult body,” according to Rama, “is a field of attention.  It’s an avenue of awareness.  It’s a wind tunnel that connects the different realities.” Rama defines the occult body as the part of us that can use…

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Subtle Physical Body

What lies beyond the physical body is a non-physical subtle body of energy.  This body, the subtle body, is actually the basis of the physical body, its health and well-being.  According to Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz, “the aging process, the process of decay that we see in the world, takes place largely because the…

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Yoga of Love

“The path that is followed by most persons in the beginning of their spiritual search is the path of love. Love is the easiest and most effective way to begin our search for self-realization, for ourselves.  Love is the highest of all qualities that we can experience…” “Naturally there are different forms of love, different…