
Founder: Hathor

Website: http://www.MayFrogTherapy.com

Email: mayfrogtherapy@gmail.com

About: Hathor offers a powerful personal refinement approach that integrates work-life balance and achieves greater happiness in relationships (with oneself and others). Hathor uses body-heart-mind practices to refine one’s Being towards greater Light and awakening. Through thousands of hours in clinical settings, leading groups, and teaching workshops, Hathor integrates the training and practices of psychology, meditation, and aikido (martial arts) to support clients in living the life they want and having the time to enjoy it too!

Hathor began her meditation practice in 2006 under Dr. Frederick Lenz’s lineage of American Buddhism and she was ordained a Buddhist monk in 2015 in Trikaya Buddhism under the study of Turīya, who is the co-founder of Dharma Center. Trikaya Buddhism utilizes the twin practices of meditation and mindfulness to help facilitate the highest, brightest, and happiest life possible. Hathor has a 2nd degree black belt in Aikido, a Japanese martial art that fosters harmony and balance within oneself and one’s relationships.

“We are all affected by the world and Her experiences. When we center ourselves, the world then becomes more centered.” – Hathor

Also, see Martial Arts Listing

Contact: Learn more about Hathor’s meditation and coaching offerings at: https://www.mayfrogtherapy.com/